How I reached the top at DAOVERSE with my Social Mining experience.

Metaverse JR
9 min readJun 20, 2024


If you are closely following the exciting developments in the cryptocurrency market and looking for new opportunities to further develop yourself in this field, social mining is for you!

I’ve been in the exciting world of social mining for almost 5 years now, and what I’ve gained along the way has helped me grow not only financially, but also personally and professionally. Now, I would like to share with you my social mining secrets and experiences that helped me reach the top at DAOVERSE.

In this article, I will explain what Social Mining is, what I do in DAOVERSE, what kind of tasks I follow in which social mining hubs, and how I get high points and rep in the tasks I participate in. I will also share the tips and tricks to be successful in this field and help you step into this exciting world. If you are ready, let’s open the door to the room of secrets.

What Do I Do at DAOVERSE, the Center of the Social Mining Galaxy?

First, let me tell you what social mining is: Social Mining is an innovative system that rewards users and strengthens communities by actively contributing to blockchain projects. DAOVERSE is DAO Labs’ social mining center, a project that aims to increase the power and participation of communities by combining decentralized governance and social mining with an innovative approach.

There are currently 6 Hubs in the Social Mining Galaxy; DAOVERSE, Avalanche Hub, Polygon Hub, Kava Hub, WAX Hub, and TON (TC Hub). You can join and contribute to all of these hubs, or you can continue to the hubs that publish projects or highly rewarding tasks that you are interested in.

Now let me tell you about what I do. Why do I include new designs in my tweets, why do I prefer design-oriented tasks, why do I participate in special events and launches?

I- I follow and interact with the official X (Twitter) accounts of the projects.

This interaction can take the form of RT+Like daily tweets or quoted tweets on the topic. I always add images to the quoted tweets. This year in particular, I have preferred to add images that I have designed myself, and I will continue to do so.

II- I follow the highly rewarding tasks published in social mining hubs that require design and creativity.

Until the beginning of 2024, I was doing all the tasks published in all hubs, but over time, both my responsibilities increased and I thought it would be better to stay in the background for a while for my new friends to show themselves. For this reason, I started to spend time, especially on tasks that require design and creativity. In this way, I both practice more and have fun.

III- I participate in project testnet and award events.

- All of the testnets I participated in were special tasks published on social mining hubs (from old to new): NEM stress test, Avalanche’s whole testnet process, and Kava Liquid test. I would like to remind you that the Avalanche testnet, in particular, consisted of 3 challenging phases and was a comprehensive process. and of course, all testnet hunters know that the Avalanche testnet reward was the highest rewarded testnet ever distributed.

- DAOVERSE Reddit module test: To participate in this test, a call was first made to the social mining group and then a public announcement was made inviting Reddit users. After preliminary evaluations, two different groups were formed and this test was successfully completed during the period of the Reddit API change. Participants were rewarded with both LABOR points and rep in addition to their daily earnings.

IV- Award-winning events and project launches:

I have two favorites among the Social Mining Hubs. WAX Hub and TC Hub…

WAX Hub: NFT and gaming paradise. The tasks published on WAX Hub are high reward tasks (Min. 1000 points = $10 USD worth of $WAXP) Maybe you may not be familiar with the NFT world, but everyone has taken a step into the gaming world. and if you can also broadcast on Twitch, Discord, etc. platforms and produce content within the scope of the tasks published on WAX Hub, you have lived. Because these high rewarding tasks should definitely be evaluated. Promoting a game project, NFT sales event or a tournament should be a piece of cake for you. Why don’t you show yourself and your skills?

TC Hub: TC Hub went live at the end of December 2023 and I was only able to contribute to TON Blockchain with my content for the first few weeks. But today, I can clearly say that I think TON will gain an important place in the Web3 world thanks to its Telegram integration and user-friendly wallet application, and may even take the top spot in the GameFi world this year. Why?

As someone who closely follows the developments in the cryptocurrency market, I usually prefer to communicate via Telegram and follow project updates through official announcement channels, but I never thought of using Telegram bots or game apps.

Thanks to the tasks published on TC Hub, I broke these chains and started to explore projects in the TON ecosystem and game apps integrated into Telegram more closely. Our first discovery was again thanks to a task… Notcoin… It was played by 2.7 million users in its first week. This was an incredible number. Moreover, all we did was constantly clicking on the Notcoin icon on the screen in this game we were playing on Telegram. Weeks passed and all cryptocurrency investors, application developers, and of course game enthusiasts heard about this success of Notcoin and the number of players reached incredible numbers. and of course, with the token launch date and Binance listing, Notcoin reached levels that will make everyone happy. After this momentum achieved by Notcoin, many games with the same logic were launched on the TON network and the expectations in all of them are incredible.

At this stage, I would like to ask you how many of the p2e games on the TON network, especially those with high hype, have you heard from others? Almost all of them, right? Let’s put a stop to this. Sign up to TCHub now and follow the updates on the TON network closely and know which way the wind is blowing before anyone else and take action accordingly. Because TON Blockchain is taking firm steps toward its goal of bringing 900 million users to the web3 world.

Now let’s come to the topic I mentioned in my article title. The tasks that brought me to the top and what I pay attention to while doing these tasks…

In the table below, you will see the REP + points I have achieved on the basis of the Twitter Program and Tasks and where I am in the ranking since October 4, 2022, when I registered in our Social Mining Hub DAOVERSE…

If we take a look at some of the tasks that I got the highest score + rep for so far, they were all tasks that I really believed I could succeed in and that I thought I could make a difference, especially in design.

When I was preparing for these tasks, I always prepared by explaining them in the way I wanted them to be explained to me. Especially explaining very technical topics in plain language could be challenging for me. For this reason, I tried to make the subject more understandable by enriching it with different examples and analogies. Using examples from different fields made the subject more interesting and helped the reader to look at the subject from different perspectives. Sometimes I even summarized these topics in an infographic or tried to explain them to you with gifs and memes as simple, fun, and as I understood them.

I think this is the reason why I scored high on the tasks. I am not an influencer. When I support social mining projects, I prefer to be natural and understandable, because my goal is to explain the subject in the simplest way possible and to inform you in the right way.

So what I mean is that I am used to writing and speaking from the heart. If there was a full translation into English, I might even include Turkish proverbs in my tweets very often. Come on, you are good again, luckily our proverbs are not fully translated. Otherwise, you would start to see proverbs and sayings in my tweets and articles in both Turkish and English in quotes. I’m off-topic again, see?

Actually, I like to interact with project tweets or task tweets by adding a new design or a one-page infographic in line with the brand guidelines, because it gives me a chance to practice with Photoshop, Illustrator, or After Effects.

In my spare time, I take a look at the work of other designers. I always wanted to design original works like them. Unfortunately, I am not that creative, or rather, I am not enough to reflect what is in my head in the designs. But if my plans are not interrupted, I want to take it a little more seriously this year and attend a course, even for a short time. Even this shows the point I have come to.

I was about to end my article when I realized that I missed an important topic :)

Social mining is no longer a job where I earn additional income for me, friends. I also had the opportunity to invest with my own labor without having to add money from my own pocket. When I first started, I was allocating a certain part of my earnings for investment, but now I allocate all of it.

There will be a platform update on DAOVERSE very soon and you may hear news about our own token $LABOR in the future. and maybe even other developments or new social mining hubs.

So let me ask you again, are you committed to following DAO Labs’ progress from the outside?

So, what about airdrop hunters? You were collecting points in airdrop missions or you had to trade on DEXs. After months of waiting, after all the effort, money, and time you spent, you often came back empty-handed. Because there was always something you missed. Here is a great opportunity for you….

When you register to DAOVERSE and start social mining;

  • The interaction or RT you receive from each tweet you tweet earns you LABOR points,
  • Every task you participate in earns LABOR points when it is approved,
  • These LABOR points you earn may return to you as LABOR token airdrop during the token launch (I wrote “may return” because no clear statement has been made by the core team on this issue yet).
  • I would like to remind you again that LABOR points and REP are very important before the token launch and I think you should already have a place in the ranking.
  • Moreover, you can claim the LABOR points you have earned to your Metamask wallet on a weekly basis with USDT equivalent to at least 500 points.
  • Also, when you request the USDT equivalent of your LABOR points on a weekly basis, the “My Real-time Points” section decreases, but your total points in the “My All-time Points” section are added to it as you earn.

The LABOR points I mentioned above can only be earned through DAOVERSE. But you can earn even more when you sign up for other social mining hubs and start earning and participating in events.

Remember, what you need to join the social mining adventure is a curious mind and an openness to learn. Because no one knows what you can do, how much you can earn, and of course what you can achieve unless you want to and unless you put yourself out there.

Show your determination now and join us.

DAOVERSE | Avalanche Hub | Polygon Hub | Kava Hub | WAX Hub | TC Hub

DAO Labs | Telegram TR | Telegram Global | X (Twitter) | Discord

